Anti Racism Policy

The LMC are the professional voice for all GPs representing, advocating, and supporting them and practice staff. The representative role of LMC extends to all matters concerning GPs whether as providers or commissioner of service in their individual role. The LMC aims to promote equality and diversity and aims to have committee representation reflective of the diversity present amongst the profession. In doing so the LMC are committed to ensuring that as far as reasonably practicable the way we provide our services to the public and the way in which we operate as primary care teams, reflects individual needs, and does not discriminate against individuals or groups.

It is our aim to ensure that all staff irrespective of skin colour, language, religious and cultural beliefs, nationality, or ethnic origin feels valued and have a fair and equitable quality of working life. We believe as an LMC we have a role to play in supporting our colleagues within practices and through our local PCNs/CCGs with regard to encouraging a culture where racism and any form of discrimination is not tolerated, and staff feel empowered to speak out. This policy enables staff access to a framework that provides clear guidance on the reporting and investigating of racial incidents This anti-racism policy has been written in accordance with current best practice and update in line with equality act 2010 This Anti-Racism Policy contains the following sections:

1. What is race/racist incidents

2. Speak Up and report racism

3. Reporting Racial Incidents

4. Zero Tolerance

5. Training and Education Lancashire & Cumbria Consortium of LMCs Celebrating Excellence in General Practice

1. What is race? Race is defined as a “category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits”. Typically, these traits may include skin colour, language, religious and cultural beliefs, nationality, citizenship, or ethnic origin. What is a racist incident? A racist incident can be defined as any incident that is perceived to be racist by the victim (person with a protected characteristic) or bystanders. A racist incident may be perpetrated against individuals based on their race, colour, nationality, culture, language or religion.

2. Speak up and report racism It is important that each of us takes responsibility for speaking up about racism when we encounter it or witness it and report it as necessary. We encourage an environment that will help staff and patients speak up without fear of victimisation. The LMC is committed to supporting practices to create and maintain a working and learning environment which is safe, inclusive, and welcoming for everyone. We encourage a culture where racism and any form of discrimination is not tolerated, and all staff feel able to speak up and are able to raise concerns.

3. Reporting Racial Incidents If you witness racial discrimination or feel discriminated against: ▪ You should report the incident to the Practice Manager/ Equality and Diversity lead without fear of victimisation. ▪ You will need to provide a written statement and any supporting witness information. ▪ The Practice Manager and the Equality and Diversity lead will investigate the matter thoroughly and confidentially within 5 working days. ▪ They will establish the facts and advise you of the outcome of the investigation within 10 working days in the form of a written report. ▪ Where the racial incident is between staff members, the person(s) complained about should be offered the opportunity of providing a written statement informally in the first instance. ▪ The Practice manager will record the incident on a Racial Incident Monitoring form; this record will include the names of all parties involved and the outcome of the investigation. ▪ In situations where the person who committed the grievance remains a patient or staff member of the surgery, the Practice Manager/ Equality and Diversity lead will keep the situation under regular review to ensure that any harassment, abuse, or victimisation has stopped. Lancashire & Cumbria Consortium of LMCs Celebrating Excellence in General Practice

4. Zero tolerance The LMC supports the NHS zero tolerance policy regarding violence and abuse and the practice has the right to remove offending patients or visitors from the list to safeguard practice staff, patients, and other persons. Violence in this context includes actual or threatened physical violence or verbal abuse which leads to fear for a patient’s safety If a patient expressed any form of racial discrimination against practice staff or fellow patients an initial warning letter will be sent on first occasion of any such behaviour from them. The letter will include an offer of a meeting to discuss the issue. Any subsequent repeat of the behaviour will lead to automatic removal from list. The patient will be sent written notification if this decision by practice manager. If the severity of the behaviour deems it necessary, the incident can be reported to the police by the Practice Manager.

5. Training and education The LMC will ensure the continued provision of mandatory equality and diversity training. We suggest to PCNs a quarterly review of all reported racial related incidents led by Equality and Diversity lead so shared learning and raised awareness from these incidents can occur.

Dr Claire Coyle, Ross McDuff - September 2021 References With reference and acknowledgment to Dr A Ohiwerei and Dr M Udo. Anti-racism July 2020 Consortium of Lancashire and Cumbria LMCs Health and safety executive - With thanks to Humberside LM